Wed, 2 October 2013
Yeah, we showed some #want and cranked this out in a single afternoon. It's a milestone episode so we got Mike/Mark/Montreal Ferrin of Fringe-Average and MLB Network radio fame. You can follow him @MikeFerrinSXM. We talked about Cuban baseballers, the playoffs, the mid-west, and The Godfather. No e-mails this week, except for one from Big Poop because duh. Baseball talk includes OUR SUPER EXCITING PLAYOFF PICKS. Jake's Varsity Baseball Update is a big one; JAKE IS BECOMING A PITCHER. Tweet us your congratulations and condolences. TALES FROM LOGDOG is back for the second time with our good friend Lana Berry and we discussed this Miley Cyrus Hedgehog parody video and how she survived #DoLoThroDo. We concluded with a nice family friendly story about Scott Spiezio and Chad Bradford. Seriously. Thanks for listening <3 |